13 websites that will pay you for small tasks, Part time jobs online.
Are you willing to earn a part time income online? Have you tried to make money doing part-time jobs online before? and you still don't get any achievement? Do not worry, there is the possibility of generating income from your home. People earning money online using different online platforms.
The online platform is the marketplace where people connect to exchange services online. There are many crowdsourcing websites, crowdsourcing website is an online marketplace that allows you to post jobs and exchange services. On this platform, workers need jobs and employers need services, so they trade it all over the world.
Businesses and individual employers have many works. They are posting many types of jobs in those marketplaces every day. There are many types of tasks that we can find here such as survey, data entry, social media tasks, proof checking, video recording, voice recording, writing and drafting, and more.
Employers are looking for remote workers or home workers to perform these tasks. These sites provide micro tasks and medium tasks. Sign up on any platform from the list, choose the best site that you like and feel comfortable with. If you like to have an extra income or want a part-time job, this is the best for you. We present 13 websites that will pay you for small tasks.
Requirements: Computer or Android Phone with Internet connection. Everyone can earn money using these sites and there is no need to invest or spend any money at all. It is best for students and housewives and those who like to earn extra income online.
Sign up with a worker account if you want to earn money, or sign up as a publisher if you want to post jobs. Sign up using your email id and password. Fiverr is the leading and best marketplace for freelancers to earn passive income from home. It is the most powerful website in the world to earn easy money online. On this site, you can find as many types of jobs and services as you like. Jobs like design jobs, writing, data entry, BPO jobs, SEO jobs, virtual assistant jobs, etc. It is best for freelancers and professionals who like to earn money from home. If you have patience and time, you can be a good freelancer working on this platform. The main benefits of this platform is that we can work from anywhere we want. This site allows free registration for everyone. Anyone can create an account on this platform. The main benefits of this platform is that it is available worldwide.
Sign up with a worker account if you want to earn money, or sign up as a publisher if you want to post jobs. Sign up using your email id and password
Payments: Withdrawal through PayPal and Bank Transfer.
Seoclerks is an online marketplace where employers and workers connect to exchange services. This site mainly provides SEO jobs online. Jobs are more related to site traffic, such as on-page SEO, backlink building, image optimization, keywords, and tags. The platform connects with people to exchange services online around the world. This website is best for freelancers and those looking for SEO jobs.
Picoworkers is the best online marketplace today and it is good for students and housewives. This is a two-way platform where we can earn money online and we can also post jobs. There are many jobs you can choose from such as surveys, social media jobs, data entry, writing jobs, site visiting, downloading, etc. It is a good market for everyone, mostly part time job seekers. Students and housewives looking for part-time daily income online.. Register now.
Payments: Withdrawal through PayPal, Litecoin, Ethereum.
Ysense, formerly known as Clixsense, allows you to earn money by doing tasks online. This is the best site to make money online part time today. Ysense is a global online community and there are multiple earning options.
On this site, you can find tasks mainly surveys, figure fight tasks, rebates and cash offers and offer walls. And you can also earn by playing online games, watching videos and completing quizzes. Payments: Withdrawal via PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, Steam and Reward Link India. Join now. Swagbucks is the most stable and genuine site, this site allows you to earn rewards. Rewards (called SB): You will earn points for taking surveys, watching videos, searching the web, and playing games. This site is for those who are looking to generate part time income online. Find tasks like surveys, Discover deals and other small tasks and get cash back for each of your purchases. Save money when you shop online, get a $10 bonus while you shop online.
Payments: withdrawal through PayPal, Flipkart gift cards.
Rapid Workers is another crowdsourcing site, there are massive jobs you can find on this site. And it provides online tasks like survey and data entry, site visit, download other micro tasks. This site allows you to earn money by completing international and national online jobs. From this site, you should only do international jobs and particular jobs from your own country. Otherwise, the company will suspend your account if you do work in other countries. Payments: withdrawal through PayPal. Join here.
Microworkers is an international online platform that connects people, between employers and workers. From this site, we can find many types of jobs such as micro jobs, TTV jobs. This is a good site for students and stay at home moms and those looking for part time jobs online.
There are many small jobs online that you can find on this site. Jobs like social media jobs, copy and paste, text creation, comments, writing, surveys, ad posting, account creation, etc. There is a pre-qualified test on this site, we must pass the test to qualify. If you have a high success rate, you will get high jobs.
ClickWorkers is also a crowdsourcing website, but it is different from other sites. This site mainly provides high tasks than micro tasks and the pay rate is higher than other sites. Everyone can join this site for free. This site mainly provides voice and video recording tasks. This is a good platform to earn money online, especially for students. You can find online jobs like video recording and voice recording and more on this site. There is an app for android users, click to download app.
Payments: Withdrawal through PayPal and bank account or Transferwise. Join here
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Amazon Mechanical Turk is just like other money making crowdsourcing sites. But on this site you have different tests for each job. This site has limited vacancies, please allow time to obtain or activate an account. And we must do the evaluation test before taking any job. There are many jobs you can choose from on this site and each job is a different task. You can find online jobs like online surveys, data entry, information verification, social media jobs, watching a video, writing short articles/reviews, etc.
Payments: Withdrawal through Amazon Payments account and Amazon Gift Card.
Upwork is the largest and most trusted freelance marketplace like Fiverr. It is a global marketplace where freelancers and individual employers work from different locations. It is the best site for those who are looking for full-time and part-time jobs online. There are many jobs online such as social media assignments, data entry jobs, copy writing jobs, proof checking, web research, etc. From this site, you can find great projects like Design, Writing, Programming and Development and more jobs. Payments: Withdrawal via PayPal, Bank Account (INR), Bank Transfer. Create an account here.
MicroJobs (not working)
MicroJobs is a new crowdsourcing website, it has more features than other microjob sites. The site allows you to earn money by completing micro-tasks online. There is the possibility of providing your own services on this site. You can add any kind of online services like writing, video promotions, SEO jobs, data collection/research, and video/voice creation, etc. This site is useful for students and those looking for part-time day jobs online. Create an account
Payments: Withdrawal through PayPal, Bank Account (INR), Wire Transfer.
Prizes Drop
Prizes Drop is another part time job site, you can find many small jobs online on this site. You can earn money for completing surveys, offer walls, video ads, YouTube videos, etc. You'll earn reward points and PayPal money for completing microtasks online. It's free to create an account with them and start making money online. Payments: Withdrawal via PayPal, Steam, Amazon Cards. Join Now
PeoplePerHour is the community of freelancers online, it is a global online marketplace. You can find small jobs on this site. 1000' of freelance Indian data entry jobs are available on this site. Jobs you can find include content writing, data entry, text editing, file conversion, design, and programming. It is a best site for those who are looking for part time daily jobs online.
Mostly websites that will pay you money for small tasks and big tasks. Those are genuine and free to register for anyone in this world.